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Manufacturers: Overcome CPQ Pitfalls and Streamline Sales Processes with Zilliant

Read this blog post to discover CPQ pitfalls and how Zilliant CPQ streamlines the sales process and improves buying experiences for manufacturers.

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Making Price a Customer Satisfaction Driver

Making Price a Customer Satisfaction Driver

MindShare Europe, the leading B2B pricing and sales conference, is taking place on 13 November in Paris, France. One of the main reasons B2B professionals attend is to watch their peers on stage discussing how they overcame complex business challenges with innovative technology and by changing the w...

The Tangled Web of B2B Price Management

The life of a pricer is hectic. Control is elusive as you toil through your day-to-day at the unpredictable whims of marketplace triggers. As external forces present themselves, your company’s corporate office reacts quickly and expects the pricing team to do the same. Suddenly you’re getting conc...

Why Recession Fears Shouldn’t Usurp Price

Why Recession Fears Shouldn’t Usurp Price

It can be hard to avoid talk of inverted yield curves or decelerated growth each time you turn on the TV or log on to your industry web site of choice. You’re probably also feeling the pressure in the real world of your own business more frequently. Whether driven by tariffs, a decrease in demand or...

Tariff Volatility Requires Action

Article was first published on The Manufacturing Report Volatility is deeply disliked by business leaders. Many manufacturers and distributors face the volatility caused by unpredictable tariffs on Chinese imports and warn of a potential calamity should the Administration’s trade war be expanded....

6 Ways To Become An Industry Leader with Zilliant

6 Ways To Become An Industry Leader with Zilliant

Leading an industry transformation from the pricing desk may sound like a far-off dream, particularly for old-school businesses with limited pricing staff and hundreds of thousands of products to manage. However, a heavy-duty truck parts dealer is defying the odds thanks to a focus on pricing and sa...

Three Benefits of a Pricing Center of Excellence

Three Benefits of a Pricing Center of Excellence

Merriam-Webster defines the word “excellent” as “very good of its kind: eminently good: first-class.” A common refrain at our annual user conference, MindShare, is that every industry and B2B route-to-market is feeling more pressure. The heat is on to adjust to eCommerce disruption, compete in new m...

Two Functions at Manufacturing Organizations Prime for Process Improvement

Two Functions at Manufacturing Organizations Prime for Process Improvement

Two functions at manufacturing organizations are prime for process improvement: selling and pricing. A closer look at the selling function reveals that despite reducing labor costs via transformational automation solutions, sales teams still manage large, antiquated portfolios. They are expected to...

Don’t Make Perfect (Data) the Enemy of Good (A.I.)

Don’t Make Perfect (Data) the Enemy of Good (A.I.)

There’s no better time than the present to address the mounting data obsession in organizations. Everywhere we go inside the world of business and technology, there’s talk about how messy or imperfect data is. Data seems to be debilitating when it should be anything but.A common refrain we hear from...

Athazagoraphobia – or, How to Stop Worrying and Embrace AI In Your Business

Athazagoraphobia or How to Stop Worrying and Embrace AI In Your Business

Athazagoraphobia (n.) – the fear of being forgotten, ignored or replaced. Common symptoms include anxiety, dread, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea and shaking.A recent Forbes article points out that our thinking when it comes to AI gets confused between hype (self-heating t...

How Distributors Can Optimize Online Pricing

How Distributors Can Optimize Online Pricing

Zilliant and MDM Whitepaper: How Distributors Can Optimize Online Pricing More than a trend, distributors now must have an optimized pricing strategy to thriveThe only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. - Alan Watts, British philosopherReady or no...

3 Tips To Significantly Improve The Pricing Process

The domino effect of external pressures such as inflation, tariffs, and disruptive competitors are making significant waves in the manufacturing/distribution game. This impact is felt most keenly by pricing analysts who not only have to adjust prices, but also have to figure out how price changes al...

What Happens When You Don't Know Willingness To Pay?

What Happens When You Don't Know Willingness To Pay?

How do you calculate willingness-to-pay (WTP), or do you at all? In 2014, I posed that question to readers of the Zilliant blog and it continues to be a favorite post. Four years later, the topic is still top-of-mind for B2B company leaders. Recently, I read a great MIT article on the weaknesses of...

When Traditional Price Elasticity Fails

When Traditional Price Elasticity Fails

Why Price Elasticity?Price elasticity is the core of pricing science, as it provides direction on how to adjust and modify historical pricing behavior to achieve P&L objectives. However, estimating price elasticity in B2B contexts is very difficult because of two key issues. First, in B2B contex...

Meet Modern eCommerce B2B Challenges

Meet Modern eCommerce B2B Challenges

How Sales Leaders Can Meet Modern eCommerce B2B ChallengesWith B2B eCommerce sales expected to reach an unprecedented $6.6 trillion by 2020, it’s no secret that the B2B buying and selling experience has drastically evolved over the past decade+. According to a recent Accenture survey, 61% of all B2B...

Are you ready to learn how Zilliant can help you overcome your pricing challenges?

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