Distributor Partners with Zilliant for Future-Proof Pricing Transformation


A global plastics distributor with more than 4,000 customers and 9,500 products needed to transform and modernize its pricing approach. The company sold to more than 60 countries and used spreadsheets to manage purchase prices, deliveries, and warehousing costs. Not only was manual pricing slow and inconsistent, but it put the distributor at a competitive disadvantage when it came to time-to-quote.

Additionally, the distributor found that its sellers needed timely and accurate price guidance. The company’s sales reps typically used cost-plus pricing instead of focusing on the needs of the market, which resulted in “best guess” pricing and predictably uneven profitability.

Read this case study to learn how the distributor leveraged Zilliant Price Manager™ and Deal Manager™ to improve profitability control and enable its future-proof pricing transformation.

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