Commodity Chemicals Distribution
When price differentiation is elusive, it’s vital to anticipate and out-execute the market. Streamline formula pricing and sales workflows to win more deals, profitably.
Dynamically Update Prices as Costs Change
With unprecedented cost volatility and inflation, companies are increasingly struggling to keep prices up to date and in-line with the market, as legacy systems and manual methods are often too slow. Watch this session to see how leading B2B companies are tackling these challenges with flexible price management software and a dynamic pricing engine.
Win with Speed and Accuracy
Calculate the right target prices and execute faster than your market’s competitors to maximize performance. Seamlessly and dynamically integrate commodity index prices to make managing formula prices a breeze.
Simplify the Deal Process
Pricing and sales teams can collaborate at the deal level to better negotiate and manage customer-specific price lists and contracts. Automate the approval and update processes.
Efficiently Manage Cost Pass-Through
Commodity costs are always changing. Centralize the pass-through process, automate price changes and mass update customer-specific agreements with dynamic price management.
Are you ready to learn how Zilliant can help you overcome your pricing challenges?
Reach out to us today to learn how we can help!