The Power of Pricing Analytics in B2B Industries

By Zilliant

Sep 19, 2024

In today’s dynamic market, pricing leaders must navigate supply chain disruptions, inflation, and fluctuating demand while meeting sales teams’ expectations and achieving financial goals. To succeed, pricing strategies need to be both accurate and adaptable.

At the core of effective pricing strategies lies pricing analytics, which deliver vital, data-driven insights that empower businesses to make informed pricing decisions. These analytics offer a comprehensive view of how pricing changes impact margin, revenue, and customer behavior. By leveraging this information, pricing teams can fine-tune strategies to achieve company-wide financial objectives and guide sales teams with trusted, actionable data. In short, pricing analytics are essential for identifying valuable insights that help B2B companies navigate market complexities and drive sustainable growth.

Understanding Descriptive, Predictive & Prescriptive Analytics

B2B companies leverage pricing analytics tools to understand their past and present pricing performance, in addition to seeing where they have opportunities to improve. These scenarios are what we call descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics.

Descriptive Analytics

Descriptive analytics are backward-looking, analyzing historical data to show how past pricing decisions have impacted business performance. Examples of descriptive pricing analytics include price waterfalls, driver analysis, and adoption metrics:

  1. Price Waterfall: visually breaks down each step of a transaction, helping companies identify where they might be losing margin.
  2. Driver Analysis: helps companies understand which factors—price, volume, cost, or product mix—are driving changes in margin or revenue.
  3. Sales rep and customer adoption metrics: offer insights into how well new pricing strategies are being implemented, enabling companies to encourage better behaviors.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics leverage historical pricing and transaction data to forecast future trends, offering pricing teams a data-driven glimpse into how market changes—such as cost fluctuations, competitive actions, or material shortages—might impact financial performance. Without these insights, companies risk relying on guesswork for critical pricing decisions.

An example of predictive analytics is using a price optimization tool to measure price elasticity, which predicts how a change in price will impact volume by measuring what drives price response in the market. Price elasticity allows businesses to conduct what-if scenarios using different pricing strategies to predict margin and volume impacts before publishing new prices.

Prescriptive Analytics

Prescriptive analytics tools go a step further by recommending specific actions to achieve financial goals. These tools provide detailed, actionable steps that guide companies toward maximizing profits, adjusting prices, and responding effectively to predicted market changes. Examples of prescriptive pricing analytics include contextual pricing analytics and money maps:

  1. Contextual Pricing Analytics: provides sales reps with additional context about why a price is relevant in a given selling circumstance.
  2. Money Map: highlights what additional products a customer should be buying, in what proportion and at what price.

The Importance of Pricing Analytics in B2B

Pricing leaders know that improving financial performance starts with understanding what drives or hampers revenue and margins. While this sounds straightforward, the process of isolating the specific factors that impact margins and revenue over time is complex. Traditional, spreadsheet-based pricing methods lack the visibility into key pricing insights. Pricing analytics allow companies to understand what price changes to make, how those changes will affect margin, revenue, and volume, and how sales reps and customers will respond to different pricing strategies.

Benefits of Pricing Analytics

Enhancing Profit Margins & Preventing Leakage

One of the most critical challenges for B2B pricing leaders is preventing profit margin leakage. Inefficient discounting, outdated pricing models, and slow turnaround times for price changes often result in missed revenue opportunities. Pricing analytics allow businesses to track margin impacts and pinpoint areas of profit leakage. For instance, when sales teams lack confidence in pricing structures due to a lack of transparency, they may resort to rogue discounting that undermines profitability.

Pricing analytics tools offer clear visibility into pricing performance, which can drive sales rep discounting practices and ensure it aligns with the organization's overall pricing strategy.

Informed Decision Making

With volatile market conditions becoming the norm, the ability to understand and anticipate shifts in customer demand and competitor pricing is more crucial than ever. Solutions like predictive and prescriptive analytics tools enable businesses to stay agile and competitive by leveraging their historical pricing data to identify trends and anticipate competitor moves. This allows companies to adapt their pricing strategies in real time, ensuring that they can capture market share while maintaining profitability.

Personalized Pricing for Customer Success

A significant challenge for B2B companies is building and maintaining strong customer relationships. One-size-fits-all pricing models fail to meet the specific needs of diverse customer segments, leading to dissatisfaction and lost opportunities for repeat business. Pricing analytics solve this problem by enabling companies to implement personalized pricing strategies that are tailored to individual customers’ needs and buying behaviors.

Pricing analytics tools can reveal which customers are more price-sensitive and which are willing to pay a premium, allowing businesses to offer differentiated pricing that maximizes value for both the customer and the company.

Visualize Valuable Insights

The ability to visualize complex data in a way that empowers both pricing practitioners and sales teams to make informed decisions, optimize profitability, and drive revenue growth.

Visual analytics solutions like the price waterfall offer a step-by-step visual breakdown of each transaction, helping businesses identify where margin leakage occurs along the value chain. Additionally, money maps offer a more targeted form of visual analytics. These simple, in-the-moment insights guide sales reps on specific actions to take with individual customers, such as suggesting higher-margin products or addressing underperforming price agreements.

Case Study: Industrial Supplies Company Conquers the ‘Valley of Despair’ with Pricing Technology

A major European industrial supplies company successfully overcame pricing challenges after undergoing multiple mergers and acquisitions. The company implemented Zilliant Price Optimization, which used advanced pricing analytics to identify margin leakage and optimize pricing strategies. This solution provided clear, actionable insights, leading to a significant improvement in pricing discipline and compliance. As a result, the company experienced over a 500 basis point increase in key markets, highlighting the power of pricing analytics in driving profitability and addressing operational challenges in B2B.


Pricing analytics are a game-changer for B2B companies and deliver crucial insights for understanding how pricing and sales strategies are performing in-market, and their impact on margin and revenue. With the right pricing analytics tools, pricing analysts, data scientists, sales reps, and executive leaders can quickly access the insights they need to drive both top- and bottom-line growth.

Investing in advanced pricing analytics tools is crucial for staying competitive in today’s dynamic market. To experience how pricing analytics tools can transform your business, book a demo today and visit our Price Optimization page to learn more.

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