Revenue Killing Sales Myths in B2B

According1to a recent survey of 1,220 global business buyers, “aggressive salespeople (48 percent), salespeople lacking relevant knowledge (46 percent), and unsolicited approaches (44 percent) are the biggest frustrations that buyers have with vendors.”

These frustrations point to shifting buyer expectations that interactions with B2B sales people mirror that of their consumer buying experiences – timely, relevant and unobtrusive.

Naturally, B2B sales organizations are trying to meet these changing expectations, but actually achieving it can be more perplexing, especially if they have been slow to adopt predictive sales analytics. But, why?

Inadvertently, global industrial sales organizations have bought into, and held onto, a series of myths about sales effectiveness that have hindered their ability to meet these expectations, in turn limiting sales growth and retention.

This whitepaper, “Top 10 Revenue-Killing Sales Myths in B2B,” de-bunks these myths and offers a better way forward for sales organizations.

1SAP, “What’s the Future of Sales,” 2015

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