Six Tips for Driving Digital Transformation in Sales

“Companies that have embraced what we call the‘science of B2B sales’have already started to pull ahead of their peers in terms of revenue growth (registering 2.3 times industry average revenue growth), profitability (3 to 5 percent additional return on sales) and shareholder value (8 percent higher total return to shareholders than the industry average),” statesMcKinsey’sWhat the future science of B2B sales growth looks likearticle.

This statistic is eye-opening and truly speaks to the importance of facilitating the digital transformation of salesto compete effectively in today’s landscape.For B2B distributors and manufacturers, however, driving digital transformation within their sales teams is complicated. So, howare successful companiesdoing it?How are they fostering digital transformation to put themselves ahead of thepack?

In thisvideo,ZilliantChief Marketing Officer Lindsay Duranoffers six tips for driving digital transformation in salesandcultivating a digital mindsetthat accounts foremployee buy-in andtakes advantageofavailable digital resources. These tips include how to move from relationship-based sales to a more scientific approach, actionable tactics sales teams can use to drive commercial initiatives, eCommerce best practices such as personalizing the customer experience, and more.

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